speaking of simplicity i read in yesterday’s new york times about the first neo-natal channel and was inspired by how successful these simple graphic concepts are for babies and adults alike: watching a drawing being made by subtraction and addition, the simple parallax of a mobile or the put put of a car.
Category Archives: perception
licking light
in 2001 university of wisconsin researchers Maris and Bach-y-Rita found that people born blind could understand when the visual field was mapped to a gridded array of electrodes worn on the tongue, suggesting that the brain is capable of plastic mapping of images from one sense to another. prior research had shown that vision could […]
touch therapy
we have a long history of using touch for therapy, but until now there was little proof of the medical effect of touch. researchers using a functionalMRI to observe activity in the brain report that acupuncture calms sensory, cognitive and emotional processing and can reduce pain. needles can also reduce migraines, but it doesn’t matter […]
heart beat
the music we listen to can have a direct impact on our hearts – especially for trained musicians. slow music tends to slow heart rate, and fast music tends to speed it up. and, it’s becoming possible to channel sound directly to the body without going through the ears. the buttkicker is an acoustic actuator […]
harmony is preferable
my old mit perception ta josh mcdermott and mark hauser propose that humans evolved to prefer consonant sounds over dissonant sounds. the way they show it is by placing monkeys in a V-shaped maze with musical chords playing at one end and cacophonous tones at the other. while monkeys prefer soft sounds to loud ones […]
digital camouflage
in 2004 the us armed forces switched to new camouflage patterns designed according by computers using fractal-based algorithms that create large and small-scale textures using only four colors of dye. these have a 40% lower chance of being detected from 200 meters away that traditional olive drab. guy cramer “designed” these patterns for hyperstealth, they […]
color therapy
after reading about how a blue stripe on the walls of prison cells could promote truthfulness, i tried to find out about the elusive field of color psychology. it turns out that there is very little direct connection between color and emotion: it seems to vary widely between cultures and individuals. for example, the color […]
audible gravity
long before newton, galileo galilei determined the first laws of physics – including the acceleration of falling objects (the total distance covered, starting from rest, is proportional to the square of the time) and that a mass moves at a constant speend unless acted upon by another (like friction). he performed his experiments by rolling […]