for the first time ever thought was directly able to manipulate and control the physical world: a paralyzed man with a computer chip (left) in his brain is able to move a computer cursor (right) to draw, write and play. via nytimes
Category Archives: perception
smell & smile
the first perfume marketed as an antidepressant is being made by ora ito and sold by colette paris. assuming it works on anyone who smells it, it could be considered the first political perfume.
political love
while we may think that we choose our political candidate for rational reasons, a study from emory university shows that the parts of the brain involved when watching candidates on television have nothing to do with rational thought, and are instead those that control emotions and reward conflict resolution. while watching their candidates and opponents […]
magnet finger
body artists jesse jarrell and steve haworth came up with the idea to implant magnets under the skin to hold innovative piercings without success – until they noticed that the implants generated a sense of magnetic and electric fields through the induced motion as interpreted by the finger’s touch receptors. you can feel power lines, […]
pc sex
we all know the future of tele-presence – this brilliant (i hope) spoof points out that when it comes to remote sex, a computer tower may prove more robust than your little laptop.
angle vision
this 18th century prism mount from the museum of history of science in florence allows you to measure and visualize the angles at which light splits, just like this interface in the luminous room by john underkoffler (1998).
mirror interfaces
we anthropomorphize a lot of things, from pets to machines – it turns out that we think computer-generated voices have a personality. and the more the computer sounds like us, the more we like it: stanford researchers conducted an experiment in which introverts and extroverts listened to synthetically generated book reviews and were more likely […]
malcolm gladwell confirmed the intuition that your face reveals your emotions before you are even aware of them – now it turns out that may work both ways: a small pilot study shows that women injected with botox paralyzing solution around their frown lines showed less symptoms of depression, and not because they felt more […]