in the spirit of illegal acts that improve public space (like guerilla signage) and projection-based graffiti, guerilla lighting was an evening of impromptu decoration in london where people transformed boring public spaces with carefully placed multi-colored light. via coolhunting
Category Archives: guerilla
roll-your-own crosswalk
a great invention in our on-going battle to take back the streets: the portable zebra crossing allows you to take possession of the asphalt you need to cross, regardless of whether you’re allowed to. via connor
traffic art
richard ankron makes guerilla public service art like this improvement to a sign on the freeway in LA which has been up for 5 years
projection rebellion
ever since i heard of krysztof wodiczko’s projection of a swastika onto the south african embassy in london in 1985, i have been fascinated by the subversive power of projection. who owns the display? lately protesters of boston university’s biolab (a hazardous research facility slated to be located in a dense, poor urban neighborhood) have […]
neat freaks
humanbeans are famous for their pizza box laptop case. they also have a series of product concepts to address our obsession with germs: release (a pill that washes you and your clothes from the inside out), mr germy (a germ-impregnated teething toy for boosting the immune system), atomdusta (for dusting between individuals atoms), wash bomb […]
decoy bum
mark jenkins was the creator of the urban plastic giraffe – this is part of a series call the ’embeds’ series – social commentary and possible technology for sociology? via we-make-money-not-art
container store
my favorite architects LOT/EK have designed this mobile kiosk for japanese clothing store UNIQLO which i saw at a street fair in new york yesterday – it is made from a small shipping container with slots cut out for windows, a pneumatic entranceway and this ingenious drop-down dressing room (right). it’s a great way to […]
pixel architecture
hackers at MIT have installed super-bright luxeon LEDs in windows of simmons hall behind my house to make a bright blue text display that ties back to text-a-buildings and kendall roses – here’s a video of their display. it’s the first time stephen holl’s ridiculously small windows serve a human purpose. via MAKE