Category Archives: guerilla
martin ruiz de azua makes essential designs such as this minimalist house (above) and nest house (below). maybe with all of the layers of social isolation made possible by earphones and wearable displays, the substance of our physical isolation can be diminished to thin sheets of mylar or leaves in a net?
at mit, hacking is a way of life – not just hacking into computers and phones, but hacking in general as a way of creating. i found this repository of all hacks since 1989, including hacks of the subway, robots, vending machines, skylights, the dome, and of course harvard.
soapbox 2.0
for a few weeks i’ve been following gail orenstein’s flickr photo stream, not because she’s an old friend i’m trying to catch up on, but because she uses it as a sort of graphic political blog and discussion forum. it’s interesting and often sexual but most of all a great hack for a site that […]
framed graffiti
seeing this clever subversive hilton advertisement by vinchen brings to the foreground an idea i’ve been toying with for a couple of weeks – framing graffiti – or how to make guerilla art acceptable. andy warhol once said that people don’t really like art, but it’s hung very nicely in museums. by the same token, […]
artists of the world, unite!
when i saw philip de vellis’ anti-hillary ad on youtube i realized for the first time that user-generated content could transform politics. his pro-obama spoof is a carefully crafted overlay of the robotic clinton onto the orwellian world of apple’s ad. having been viewed at least 3 million times, it is just as influential as […]
anti-competitive products
as for new trends in anti-products, i re-visited limor fried’s site today and reminisced on my favorite project of hers, the media-sensitive sunglasses (above). these glasses are designed to filter out television signals, so that you can live in peace, as part of her “social defense mechanisms” thesis – another is a cigarette pack-sized jammer […]