greener than thou


mary lou jepsen invented the display that made the OLPC so power-efficient, and she presents the case for the green design of the laptop as the result of a concerted effort to address the needs of developing countries. where there is little electricity and limited tooling, the laptop had to be durable, power-efficient and repairable. as a result of these concerns, the OLPC is more environmentally friendly than any other laptop – while being much, much cheaper at the same time. if if designing for development produces sustainable solutions, shouldn’t sustainable design be more low-cost?

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  • By design for durability :: hyperexperience on May 23, 2008 at 8:05 am

    […] OLPC has driven important innovations in open software, hardware, universal design and environmental sustainability in order to be cheap and durable enough for widespread use in developing countries. At this […]