living monument


the united states holocaust museum and google earth have partnered up to create a real monument to atrocity on earth – not one that is frozen in the past but one which testifies to the ongoing brutality around the world. first you have to download google earth, then you download the darfur layer, after which you can explore in detail all of the people and villages who have been destroyed in this long-ignored conflict. the experience starts with the image above, and by clicking on the hot spots you can see images, quotes and videos from the war. Below is an aerial image of a burning village.


interestingly you can expand on the existing data because every site has a window with links to external information. some of the additional information includes individuals’ quotes:


what this project does is go far beyond map-based mashups like flickr’s maps and real-time disaster visualizations by characterizing the data with real stories. now if only it could be extended into an on-going global witness to atrocities everywhere they happen, then we could transform the way history is written.

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